Samstag, 30. November 2013

P.J. Tracy - Live bait

When elderly Morey Gilbert is found, lying dead in the grass by his wife, Lily, it's a tragedy, but it shouldn't have been a shock - old people die. But when she finds a bullet hole in his skull, the blood washed away by heavy rain, sadness turns to fear. It looks like an execution . . .
Soon a whole city is fearful as new victims are found, killed with the same cold precision. All elderly. All apparently blameless.
Detectives Gino and Magozzi, race to uncover a connection and their best hope of doing so may be Grace McBride, beautiful, damaged survivor of an earlier killing spree. And the answers, it seems, are buried in a terrible past.

Mittwoch, 27. November 2013

John Hirst, Australiens bedeutendster Historiker, nimmt das Fernglas zur Hand und Europa ins Visier. Fakten und Ereignisse bringt er in einen fassbaren Zusammenhang und bietet einen einzigartigen Überblick über die europäische Kulturgeschichte. Mit Humor erzählt er vom Ende des römischen Schmierentheaters durch die Germanen, die unbeabsichtigt das Weströmische Reich übernehmen oder wie 1066 die Normannen England erobern und ihnen damit bis heute als Letzte ein Einfall in das Inselland gelingt. Spannende, überraschende und witzige Einblicke in die Entwicklung der europäischen Kultur - mit garantiertem Aha-Effekt.

Malcolm Mackay - The Necessary Death of Lewis Winter

A twenty-nine-year-old man lives alone in his Glasgow flat. The telephone rings; a casual conversation, but behind this a job offer. The clues are there if you know to look for them. He is an expert. A loner. Freelance. Another job is another job, but what if this organisation wants more? A meeting at a club. An offer. A brief. A target: Lewis Winter. It’s hard to kill a man well. People who do it well know this. People who do it badly find out the hard way. The hard way has consequences. An arresting, gripping novel of dark relationships and even darker moralities, The Necessary Death of Lewis Winter introduces a remarkable new voice in crime fiction. The second book in the Glasgow Trilogy How A Gunman Says Goodbye will follow soon . . .