Samstag, 30. November 2013

P.J. Tracy - Live bait

When elderly Morey Gilbert is found, lying dead in the grass by his wife, Lily, it's a tragedy, but it shouldn't have been a shock - old people die. But when she finds a bullet hole in his skull, the blood washed away by heavy rain, sadness turns to fear. It looks like an execution . . .
Soon a whole city is fearful as new victims are found, killed with the same cold precision. All elderly. All apparently blameless.
Detectives Gino and Magozzi, race to uncover a connection and their best hope of doing so may be Grace McBride, beautiful, damaged survivor of an earlier killing spree. And the answers, it seems, are buried in a terrible past.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Ganz nett, aber ab einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt etwas voraussehbar. Die witzigen Kommentare der Charaktere machen das aber (zumindest teilweise) wieder wett.
