Freitag, 10. Juni 2011

William Boyd - Restless

Restless is a spy thriller, with two strong and interesting central characters, fast paced, well plotted, and with a couple of good, original twists. The story is told in alternating first and third person chapters; the first person narrator being Ruth, a single mother in 1970s Britain; the third person narrative telling the story of Eva, a young woman recruited into the murky world of British spying/propaganda in Europe and America during WWII. The lives of the two overlap in modern times as Eva turns out to be Ruth's mother - now living an apparently ordinary life as an English widow - and has decided the time has come to settle some old scores.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Gut erzaehlt, liest sich schoen fluessig; ich war allerdings ein bisschen enttaeuscht, dass die Geschichte nie so richtig spannend wurde.
