Dienstag, 24. März 2015

John Burgess - A Woman of Angkor

A Woman of Angkor is a powerful work of imagination that takes the reader to a faraway time and place and makes the story vividly real. Through the voice of his heroine, Sray, John Burgess conjures a story of a Khmer family whose lives are interwoven with the building of the magical, mysterious temple of Angkor Wat. This is historical fiction with a difference – about a people whose history has been obscured and abandoned like the magnificent shrine that for so many centuries lay hidden in the jungle.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Das Buch war die Reisebegleitung zu meiner Vietnamreise, das mir meine Schwester aus Kambodscha mitgebracht hat. Eine schoen geschriebene historischer Geschichte von der man sich vorstellen kann, dass sie so oder so aehnlich passiert ist.
